Free Ebook

Do you feel like your life has become unbearably restricted and small because of the limitations your pain inflicts?

Are you fed up of seeing specialist after expert after doctor; trying treatment after treatment with little to zero success?

Do you long for the day when you don’t think about the pain or have to navigate your life around it?

Has your pain taken over so much of your life for so long, that you’ve forgotten who you really are and what you’re capable of?

Do you feel like the pain is stealing all the joy from your life; your relationships, your aspirations?

Perhaps you feel a sense of shame, loss or guilt that you are unable to show up for your loved ones as fully as you would like?

Or have lost confidence in yourself and your ability as a partner, parent, friend?

Has the pain increased feelings of self-doubt; playing upon your sense of worth and how loveable you are?

If you’ve answered YES to any of those questions, please know that these are very normal thoughts and feelings in response to relentless and often overwhelming physical duress.

Please also know, that there is HOPE!

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Imagine significantly reducing or even eliminating your symptoms…

So you can feel empowered to:

rediscover and rebuild who you are…

create, pursue and realise your ambitions and aspirations…

embrace a liberating new sense of control over your body and your health

live a life that feels lighter; released from the heavy burden of your pain…


In my free ebook, you will discover:

What your GP or specialist won’t tell you about your chronic pain

4 exercises to directly influence the pain signals from your brain

The power of your subconscious mind and how to harness that power to resolve your pain

Why Work With Me?


Julie is an experienced mindbody practitioner, getting consistent, often ‘life changing’ results for her clients.

She has spent her 20+ year career in the field of medicine, starting out as a nurse before becoming a medical screening manager and later a nutritional therapist and SIRPA trained practitioner.

Julie has recovered from years of her own debilitating back pain and other chronic symptoms by applying the latest pain science and is passionate in her work helping others achieve the same amazing results.

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What People Are Saying About Working With Me

“Working with Julie has changed my life completely. Pain no longer controls me or stops me from doing things I want to do and I would recommend Julie to anyone struggling with chronic pain”

"It's hard to remember sometimes what a mess I was at the start, and now I have a proper life again."

“Julie is very understanding and easy to talk to. With her guidance & support, I've made great strides in my recovery. I highly recommend her!”

“Julie was always very articulate and listening to her always helped sooth my worries about the pain as she seemed to be able to keep so much knowledge in her head - amazing!"

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